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Disaster Prep

April 22, 2024

Prepping: BEWARE of Bird Flu and Zombie Deer in Food Chain! ... as preppers, we need to stay informed!

Bird FLU: We posted this last week but reposting again because this wasn't really covered in the media BUT it's important ... (1) 'Ground-up Chicken Waste Fed to Cattle Could be behind Bird Flu Outbreak in U.S. Cows'

(2) Mankind did NOT learn their lesson.. remember EU with Mad Cow in Humans AND Cattle in the 1980's and '90's? SAME THING! They were feeding cattle with meat AND bone meal made from Sheep and Cattle remains.
Cattle do NOT eat meat! They discovered THAT was the cause and BANNED the practice ..

.. BUT, in 2021, these idiots lifted the ban on Feeding Animal Remains to
Livestock, Pigs AND

(3) Do Your own research 'cause we don't have the time to teach you .. lots of articles online showing how feeding meat to animals and cattle causes disease and outbreaks in humans ...
so man once again is in the SAME predicament with Bird Flu .. now, 'experts' be like, 'Risk of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans is "Enormous Concern" .. first it was don't worry, it won't spread to humans... NOW it's 'be concerned'! ...

(4) 'H5N1 Strain of Bird Flu Found in Milk from Infected Cows', WHO says ..

(5) There Is More To This Current Bird Flu Panic Than Meets The Eye

Zombie Deer: "Zombie Deer" is actually deer infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD), which is a prion disease -- basically, it's Mad Cow Disease in Deer .... they call it different names to confuse people BUT, it's ALL the same thing - Mad Cow, CJD in humans ... 'Hunters Die from Eating Infected Venison' .. so yeah, u can become INFECTED from eating diseased deer, cattle and grocery store chicken despite the garbage they're telling you ...

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